Ingredients: Main Material:
2-5 Chicory, split in half, then split a little in the middle, wash briefly with water and salt until blended taburin the entire surface and to each sheet sawinya. Allow up to 2-3 hours. (Why only a few hours just soaking it because we make it not so much white mustard, to Kimchinya later) Contrary to what I had to make a case of white mustard ingredients reply to 50 pounds to supply the next year. So basically I made this a normal existence. After that wash back chicory who has been inundated with salt for 2-3 hours, wash up really - really clean .... then drain for 30 minutes. (While mempersiapakan other material)
Mix marinade ingredients to the batter. :
2 pieces Radish (Daikon Radish) wash and peel a little skin, cut into thin matchsticks bit. 1 bunch green onions, wash and set aside. 3 pieces of onion, peeled and chopped and set aside. Tie mustard 1 green wash is being cut, (no use also can). 200 gr SHIMPS, Small fresh shrimp (do not ask for too ok) if da more mantep 200 grams of shellfish Shellfish
Ingredients For the marinade:
1 cup rice flour boiled with water for such use glutinous rice porridge or can, cook and simmer until the pulp and set aside.
2 Trunk wash and grate ginger or blender until smooth. 1-2 cups medium red chilli powder. 1 cup medium white onion puree-me-in. 3 tablespoons white sugar. 25-30 milii litter Salted anchovy sauce (Special Salted Soy sauce to make Chicory imaginable image Sawinya Kimchi)
How: First: Prepare all ingredients Ingredients: Flour Porridge rice, red chili powder, garlic, ginger, sugar. and material enhancements.
Second: Prepare Materials pieces Radish (radish) input within the basin size is give a little sprinkling of salt and mix until blended, then enter the red chili powder seasoning ingredients, cut onions give a dough of rice flour porridge / gruel sticky rice stir bener - bener average, re-enter the leaf pieces stir onion, add chopped green cabbage stir again, then give the flavor of ginger, garlic, sugar and Salted kimchi stir sauce until it is evenly distributed overall.
Finally enter the other mixed ingredients such as shrimp SHIMPS (Shrimps) Enter the model and also shellfish, shellfish mix well all ingredients.
Well ... finally we olesin with white mustard marinade is one pesatu in each layer. and bener - bener evenly, after it is ready to be stored in cold temperatures, the refrigerator. But directly on the serve can also, in the cut - cut to taste in consumption could dech
And to want to obtain more robust results you !!!!! This requires a relatively long period of air permentasi day ... day ... .. month was the month ... and even some 2 year period until permentasinya .... because obviously feels different than other once more felt good Kimchinya Acid , salty, and spicy it.
Nikmatnya masakan korea.